University Hospital of Sharjahs Fertility Center highlights latest diagnostic and therapeutic examinations for obstetrics and gynaecology patients

University Hospital of Sharjahs Fertility Center highlights latest diagnostic and therapeutic examinations for obstetrics and gynaecology patients

As a well-known provider of modern fertility and genetic treatments in the UAE, University Hospital Sharjah declared that it has successfully completed 3,500 obstetrics and gynaecology treatment through its Sharjah Fertility Center.

Under the supervision of specialists led by Dr. Awatif Al Bahar, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Reproductive Endocrinology, the center has been offering advanced fertility treatments to patients since its establishment in 2018.

Aside from providing fertility treatments, Sharjah Fertility Center has been treating genetic diseases such as thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia. Part of the success was the adoption of advanced medical technologies including in vitro fertilization (IVF), ovulation induction, intralesional and microinjection, as well as infertility treatment operations. Patients also availed other services such as sonographic foetal sex determination, embryo, egg, and semen freezing, among others. They also benefited from a wide range of diagnostic services such as genetic testing of foetus, ultrasound examination, and blood tests to detect viral and hormonal diseases, in addition to genetic counselling and embryology.

At Sharjah Fertility Center, our core mission is to provide hope to people and ensure the highest quality medical services while safeguarding their safety and enhancing their health and happiness experiences. As we move forward in developing and providing the best diagnostic and treatment services to our clients, we make sure to uphold the highest Sharia and UAE laws while introducing the latest and most advanced equipment and modern technologies with our highly capable medical team. In line with the vision of the University Hospital Sharjah, we remain unwavering in our commitment to provide effective fertility and genetic solutions to common diseases, including thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia. said Dr. Awatif Al Bahar.

Being able to provide families with the best diagnostic services and reproductive treatments keeps us motivated. Through the vision and guidance of Sharjahs wise leadership, we also aim to turn the Emirate into a major destination for medical tourism and advanced healthcare. With the happiness and safety of clients as our top priority, our team will continue to exemplify responsible and world-class consultations, examinations, and treatments. she added.

Since the establishment of the Sharjah Fertility Center in 2018, and through the supervision and leadership of Dr. Awatif Al Bahar, we have been enjoying great success, which is evident with our recent accomplishment. In line with the directives of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, our facilities have been fully equipped with the latest technologies to improve the overall quality of life not only of Sharjah residents but also of everyone in the UAE and in neighbouring countries. We remain committed to bringing healthcare services that meet international standards at competitive rates to ensure the health and happiness of our people. said Dr. Ali Obaid Al Ali, CEO and Member of Board of Trustees, University Hospital Sharjah.

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