Crime and Terror Have Come Together to Create a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry Daesh is Blunt and Populist and We are to Politically Correct
The Riyadh Forum on Countering Extremism and Fighting Terrorism, under the sponsorship of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition, conducted a panel on the ties between terrorism and criminal activities.
Criminals in Europe are really involved in terror. Nearly 70% of foreign fighters from Germany are known to law enforcement for criminal turns on not related to extremism," Mr.Rajan said. "Prisons are where criminals and terrorists fulfill and radicalization happens," he said.
Panel members were Professor Joseph Mifsud, Director London Academy of Diplomacy; Katherine Bauer, US Division of the Treasury; Michael Hurley, 9/11 Commission; Dr. Khalid Al Khalifa, Isa Cultural Center - Manama and Rajan Basra, Study Other at Kings College London.
The panel provided fantastic insights into the partnership between terrorist activities and criminal organizations. The nexus is an extremely close one as both terrorist and offenders profit and money their efforts through illegal methods.
Petty crimes offenses can be seen in the background of all people carrying out terrorist activities in the West," Mr. Hurley claimed. "These people are already subjects of rate of interest to law enforcement yet the link between criminal activity and terrorism is overlooked, he said.
The panel was very concerned concerning the partnership between prisons jails and radicalization.Without developing programs and treatment within the prison system they will continue to be dens for extremists and terrorist recruitment.
In shutting they discussed the world-wide connection of arranged criminal task and the financing of terror. Ms. Bauer said, "Criminal activity in one country could be funding terrorism in various other nations. We need to not overlook even petty crimes as they can result in larger terrorist activities in various other areas of the world."