'Bait Al Oud' organises the musical concert forprominent graduates

'Bait Al Oud' organises the musical concert forprominent graduates

Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 23, 2014: A new generation of musicians from 'Bait Al Oud' - the House of Oud - will performa musical concert tomorrow,Thursday 24th April, within the the last Thursday of every month programme at the Manarat Al Saadiyat auditorium.

'Bait Al Oud'is the music institution of Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority(TCA Abu Dhabi) which is dedicated to teaching Arabic music.
Under the supervision ofmaster NasserShamma,Bait Al Ouds founder, the concertwill featurea selection of the institutes most talented graduates who have gained expert knowledge of a myriad of musical genres, expressed through multiple platforms and mediums. The musicians have presentedconcerts in many different countries and includeMohammedDahhie, Ahmed Houssien Al Shaikh, Mazan Elbagir and Eyed Al Kaledy.

Mohamed Dahhie was born in MukallaMadramout andgraduated with honours fromBait Al Oud. He received continuous tuition from Nasser Shamma and has his own composed his own music from Hadramout folklore among others.
Ahmed Houssien Al Shaikh was born in Syria in 2000. He joined Bait Al Oud in 2008 to learn to play the Qanoon under the supervision of masterBassam Abd Al Sattar, and later graduated with honours. Ahmed has performed many concerts, including most famous Coleman Jazz Festival appearance at the Egyptian Opera House and German Orchestra in the Dubai World Cup in March this year.

MazanElbagir is a Sudanese instrumentalist and composer who received his music education under the supervision of masterNaseerShamma at Bait Al Oud. He earned a degree with honours in various musical studies. Mazanis the first Sudanese graduate of Bait Al Oud and because of his long music career he has been able to establish Ishraq the first Sudanese band foucused on Eastern music.

Eyad Al Khaledy is a Palestinian musician born in Abu Dhabi who joined Bait Al Oud on its inception and was its second graduate. Eyad has many music contributions to his name most notably, Al Sharque Orchestra in 2008, Paris concert with Bait Al Oud in 2010, Asilah Festival in Morocco and Baalbek Festival in Lebanon.

Bait Al Oud was established in 2008 to spread awareness of the culture and music of 'Oud', which isconsidered one of the oldest Arabic musical instruments. Bait Al Oud also teaches strumming techniques on various 'Oud' methods, and facilitates dealings with various well-known schools to unearth a new generation of professional musicians and graduate them to a high level of specialisation.

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