Park Inn by Radisson Hotel Apartmentsopens its doors with new hotel manager

Park Inn by Radisson Hotel Apartmentsopens its doors with new hotel manager

The Rezidor Hotel Group today announced that its newest Park Inn by Radisson Hotel Apartments, located in Dubais Al Barsha neighbourhood, will be managed by Michael Kuhn. Kuhnassumes the hotelmanager role of Dubais first Park Inn by Radisson property. The 90- room residential property is only the second Park Inn in the United Arab Emirates.

Kuhnbrings with him over 15 of experience in the hospitality industry. He began his career with the Rezidor hotel group in Germany, and since then, he has built a strong knowledge base of sales, marketing and operations in diverse markets across Europe and the Middle East.
A resident of the Middle East since 2011, Michael was previously the director of sales and marketing for The Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa,
After a decade and a half of experience in sales and marketing, Kuhn took up the role of executive assistant manager at The Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa in early 2014.

A German national, Michael speaks English, Dutch, Arabic and French, along with his native language.

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