Ministry of Environment and Water organizes facility inspection and veterinary procedure workshop for Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority

Ministry of Environment and Water organizes facility inspection and veterinary procedure workshop for Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority

The Ministry of Environment and Water has organized a workshop at the office of the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority to raise awareness on the set standards being implemented in veterinary facilities related to livestock. The meeting aimed to strengthen the national capacities and enhance the procedures and requirements for the monitoring and evaluation of veterinary facilities. It was also developed to ensure that the relevant laws are being followed in order to enhance and safeguard the countrys bio-security measures.

H.E. Engineer Saif Mohammed Al-Shara, Assistant Undersecretary for External Audit Sector, Ministry of Environment and Water, emphasized that it is essential to follow the required regulatory standards to guarantee environmental protection. He pointed out that the policies that are being administered are in line with best international standards and were developed as part of the UAE's strategy to achieve sustainable environmental development and the protection of natural resources, and achieve animal and agricultural and fisheries targets.

H.E. Al-Shara said that the Ministry organized the workshop with the aim of enhancing the skills and qualifications of human resources, especially those of local authorities tasked with auditing and implementing policies and regulations relevant to the functions of the Ministry as well as the protection of livestock. He added that the Ministry is eager to enhance frameworks dealing with the development of legislation to unify all relevant partners within the UAE, to assert that all parties are aware that the preservation of the environment is a national duty and an essential priority of UAE Vision 2021.

The workshop addressed pressing issues with regards to pursuing the best laws and regulations to ensure the protection of livestock as well as the ethical practice of veterinary medicine. It also touched on the need to ensure superior technical conditions for therapeutic health facilities, diagnostic, pharmacy and veterinary warehouses and animal production farms and their impact on animal welfare, especially those threatened with extinction. A follow-up mechanism was also presented through regular field visits to facilities in addition to the mandatory display of inspection and audit certifications upon successful evaluation.

The Assistant Undersecretary also emphasized the need to advance efforts to ensure the protection and development of livestock. He commended the government agencies tasked with the preservation and enhancement of livestock, asserting that the Ministry is eager to cooperate with relevant local authorities as strategic partners for united efforts to establish environmental sustainability and help the government realize its comprehensive green initiatives and integrated infrastructure as part of the UAE agenda.

H.E. Al-Shara added that the workshops will be divided into two parts. The first component will tackle the theoretical definition of policy procedures for the protection of livestock. The second part discussed practical applicationsthrough the implementation of joint field campaigns to veterinary facilities, which is a crucial component for the training and skills enhancement of the participants who play vital roles in the auditing process and uphold the nations legislation.

On an important note, the Ministry will be evaluating the efficiency of the implementation of federal legislation on animal resources in cooperation with local authorities as stipulated in the comprehensive policies have been set in place. This includes Federal Law No. (10) of 2002, which deals with the professional practice of veterinary medicine along with specified regulations, and Federal Law No. (16) of 2007 pertaining to the general publics adherence to regulations as well as the Ministrys policies on veterinary practice as well as on the safety conditions of therapeutic, diagnostic, veterinary, and security facilities within animal production farms.

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