The First 1000 Days of Life: Why Small Lungs and Brains Need Clean Air

The First 1000 Days of Life: Why Small Lungs and Brains Need Clean Air

The first 1000 days focus more on child nutrition and more on the cause: Children with good nutrition are ten times more likely to overcome life-threatening childhood illnesses and finish at least four grades in school. However, what is known to some is that access to clean air, or lack thereof, is fundamental to the development of the child, physical and intellectual.

The first thousand days from conception to the age of two are important for every child. During this time, the immune system develops, and a child's brain connects to about 1,000 neurons per second, creating a complex pathway for the messages to travel through the body. Looking at the brain of a two-year-old child, it shows that it is twice as active as the adult brain's bridges to connect the nerve cells in the brain for future use. The ability to process images (sight), sound (auditory) and recognition of images, such as language and faces, are all created during the baby's first 1000 days.

With increasing levels of air pollution both indoors and out, children are at greater risk. Miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight and diseases such as asthma, allergies, diabetes and cardiovascular disease can all be linked to air pollution. Young children and pregnant women spend more time together, where the air is five times more polluting.

More than nine out of 10 parents around the world think that clean air plays an important role Ensures the health of their children, and most are concerned that polluted air may have an impact on their children's learning told Sara Alsn, Chief Purpose Officer, Blueair. "The good news is that we are spending more time in the air, which can easily be monitored and improved," she added.

Can air purifiers help ensure child-friendly air?
Two-thirds of parents in China, India, South Korea and the United States consider air purification to be beneficial for raising a healthy baby, according to a recent study by UK independent research firm YouGov. By eliminating common allergens such as dust, mites, bacteria and viruses, as well as household pollutants such as chemicals from paint, furniture, clothing and cleaning detergents, air purifiers ensure that car exhausts, smoke, and suits enter our homes through windows and ventilation. Healthy indoor air for pregnant women and young children.

What air purifier should I choose for my baby?
Blueair air purifiers are the influential U.S. Todays Parent Recommended, is recognized for its effectiveness and ease of use. Blueair Classic 405 and 480i are among the most efficient air purifiers used by families in more than 60 countries around the world. These models are recommended for asthma allergy Nordic for children with allergies, asthma and respiratory illnesses. For the second consecutive year, the Blueair Classic 405 has been recognized as the "Best-in-Test" in 2019 by Independent Testing & Certification and independent laboratory testing of 10 different air purification brands conducted by IPR Laboratories.

Why is the Blueair better than other air purifiers?
Thanks to unique HEPA Silent technology that eliminates 99.97% of all airborne particles in the range of 0.1 microns, including allergens, bacteria and viruses, chemicals, smoke, dust, mold and car exhaust, the Bluetooth air purifiers are extremely efficient at very low speeds. As a result, blower air purifiers are silent, ensuring maximum safety, while smaller ones are not asleep.

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