Family Development Foundation’s ‘Positive Parenting’ Platform Supports Over 24,000 Users in H1 2024

Family Development Foundation’s ‘Positive Parenting’ Platform Supports Over 24,000 Users in H1 2024

 The Family Development Foundation (FDF) reported a significant engagement with its ‘Positive Parenting’ platform during the first half of 2024. The platform, designed to foster positive relationships between parents and adolescents, benefited over 24,000 users by offering a comprehensive range of informative materials from more than 192 resources.

Noura Megahed, Coordinator of the ‘Positive Parenting’ platform at the FDF, emphasized the platform's primary goal of establishing a stable and nurturing connection between parents and teenagers. "Our objective is to promote the holistic and healthy development of adolescents by providing essential support during this critical transitional phase. The platform equips parents with the guidance needed to effectively manage and encourage positive behavior in their children, addressing the challenges that arise as teenagers undergo rapid changes," said Megahed.

She detailed the platform's various sections, including ‘Adolescence Changes,’ ‘Comprehending Adolescent Behaviour and Development,’ ‘Adolescents, Family, and Society,’ ‘Religious Education and National Identity,’ ‘Adolescents in Educational Settings,’ ‘The Digital World and Teenagers’ Well-being,’ and ‘Mental and Physical Well-being.’ These sections are designed to cater to the unique developmental characteristics and physical changes experienced by teenagers.

Megahed also highlighted the platform's diverse range of educational materials, which includes over 192 resources in visual, written, and audio formats. These resources help parents enhance their parenting knowledge and skills, ensuring they are well-equipped to nurture their teenagers. "The platform remains committed to fostering a well-informed family and cohesive community by empowering parents with the skills necessary to raise their children, build positive relationships, and guide their development," she added.

The FDF’s commitment to improving parenting skills is further demonstrated through its Effective Parenting Skills Development program. This program focuses on helping parents and caregivers understand their children's behavioral changes and effectively interact with them at different stages of their growth. The program also includes sub-services aimed at improving parenting skills for adolescents, promoting the role of men in positive parenting, and nurturing effective parenting practices for early childhood.

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