Yes1 BeSafe No-Alcohol Hypochlorous Sanitizer hits
Hypochlorous Solution based Sanitizers have been all the rage in the past few months, being widely used by the general public as a reliable alternative to alcohol-based sanitizers but without the irritation or pungent smell. Its been internationally recognized by the FDA as a Multipurpose Disinfectant Sanitizer and lauded by the medical community around the modern world for the same.
Although being widely adopted in the Americas and Europe for its 99.99% Disinfection Properties, Hypochlorous Sanitizers were not locally available to the mass public in the Middle East until recent.

This is what Mr Manoj George, The spear bearer for Yes1 BeSafe Hypochlorous Solutions had to assuredly say in our recent interview, Hypochlorous represents the future, especially in this specific region where No-Alcohol based products are highly sought out for. Our principal aim as Yes1 BeSafe is to bring out this revolutionary product to the U.A.E., affordable, and always available and our successful collaboration with has accomplished just that..
Yes1 BeSafe Sanitizers, approved by the Dubai Municipality, is now available in in three distinct variants, Chic, Sport and Family (60ml. 250ml and 5L), at attractive introductory prices, specially for Amazon Customers.
With the aim of providing confidence in a bottle, Yes1 BeSafe continues to progressively expand across the Middle East with their eyes set on Saudi Arabia in the near future.