Walt Disney Hits $200B In Total Assets In 2020 - Largest Media Company Worldwide

Walt Disney Hits $200B In Total Assets In 2020 - Largest Media Company Worldwide

The Walt Disney Company (Disney) has been one of the biggest companies in the world for some time now and is one of the pre-eminent names when it comes to media and entertainment. According to data presented byTradingPlatforms.com, Disney is the principal media company internationally, with over $200B in total assets. Vivendi sits at a distant second with almost $42B in total assets.

Disney Breaks $200B Mark in Total Assets

The Walt Disney Company as we know it today was initially founded in October 1923. Its early success came in the American animation industry where it soon became a leader. The company owns the rights to numerous iconic animated characters, the most famous of which is Mickey Mouse. Since its beginnings as purely an animation studio it has since tremendously grown and diversified into live-action film production, TV, theme parks and various other forms of entertainment.

Fast forward to 2021 and Disney is now the major media company globally and the first to break an significant milestone. Disney recorded assets of close to $201B in 2020, the first time it broke the $200B mark and the only media company to do so. Vivendis almost $42B total assets made it the second-largest media company. Disneys dominance is further highlighted by its almost 70% share of the combined total assets of the 6 largest media companies in the world.

Disney Experienced A 97% YoY Increase in Total Assets in 2018-2019, 5-Year CAGR of 17% (2016-2020)

Disney was already by far the largest media company in the world before it broke the 200B mark. Its ability to sustain the momentum it gained from the launch of Disney+ in 2019 is what propelled it past such a significant milestone. The company experienced a record year in 2019 when it saw its total assets upsurge by 97% YoY. Disneys total assets also increased by a compound annual growth rate(CAGR) of 17% in the 5 year period from 2016-2020.

As of Feb 2021, The Walt Disney Company was ranked as the 15th largest company by market capitalization on the S&P 500, with an estimated market cap of $320B.

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