Space Exploration and Peace in the Middle East
Space Exploration and Peace in the Middle East
By Lance Winslow
Is it possible to bring a "bridge of modern technology" to the Middle East to join the Western world in a typical cause, the goal being the forward progression of humanity? Recently, I was having an interesting discussion with someone about all this, specifically allow every one of our partners and allies in the Middle East to join our space modern technology, as have the Russians, Australia, Canada, and the European Union.
In doing so, those that presently oppose us, for example Iran, might dump their nuclear weapons program, settle on robust examinations, and afterwards join their goal of a "100-points of Light" and technical developments with the global room community. A minimum of this was my colleagues question, and I think this line of query ought to be asked, maybe as a remedy, if in some way trust in between Iran can be re-established with the global community.
Okay so, relating to Space Flight, well, that's currently taking place too, keep in mind the entire PR mess with the NASA Manager speaking about Middle Eastern futures with global room modern technologies? Well, we are checking into that, meanwhile room landing and releasing bases are already being constructed in Dubai and various other areas equally as Virgin Space Corp developed the area base in New Mexico and they have actually currently fired off rockets, satellite launches, to help make some money.
Personally, I am pro-space expedition and intend to promote it, without a doubt, I feel so strongly about this, I have actually released some compilations of short articles on room trip, orbiting area hotels, room colonies, and long-lasting room missions. I wish to do whatever I can to see that we have pleasant modern technology usage in a typical goal of innovation and discover, yet I do be afraid the twin uses rockets, satellites, missiles, and room technology for weapons of battle.
Some human beings are really problematic, they can not be relied on, that's not my mistake, it is simply a real-world observation. Still, it collaborated with the Russians right? We now get involved at the ISS and the Russians and EU are working with a Mars human habitat mission for the future, I state fantastic!
Actually, nearly everything my associate had recommended is being done, or a minimum of they are being looked at. In Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom is graduating engineers rapidly and you are right there are not nearly enough jobs for them, that's a genuine trouble, but if a new room industry emerges maybe a lot more will have extremely sophisticated innovation jobs in the future.
The Kingdom will be tested from within if they do not lower joblessness and aid in economic growth from within. It's a challenge, on-going, they are advancing. I wish to see even more freedom in the Kingdom and maybe a steady pace in the direction of even more flexibility and liberty in the direction of ladies, I wish that slow-moving change could be enabled to continue, and prosperity can result so various other neighboring nations will follow suit.
Indeed, I believe by accompanying peaceful Middle Eastern countries that our cultures might eventually concern terms with our differences and understanding, and thus, a lot good will become of it. Please consider all this.
Lance Winslow has launched a brand-new provocative collection of digital books on [] Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;