Kaya Skin Clinic launches #PowerOfThree, Initiative for breast cancer awareness

Kaya Skin Clinic launches #PowerOfThree, Initiative for breast cancer awareness

Kaya Skin Clinic, the largest international skin care clinic in Middle East, has launched a social, fun & unique campaign this year as part of its annual support to the month-long breast cancer awareness drive in October. Running for the fifth consecutive year, Kayas breast cancer initiative this year titled as the #PowerOfThree, aims to both excite and engage every woman to take part in it.

An initiative which will run across all Kaya clinics in the region, and effectively harness the potential of social media, the #PowerOfThree, speaks to every woman to raise awareness about the importance of the early detection, done through the self-check, using the first three fingers. And also encourage her friends to do the same.

Ladies are asked to perform the self-examination, then paint their first three nails with pink, which is the universal colour of Breast Cancer Awareness. After that they will act as ambassadors to spread awareness about the importance of early detection and ask their friends to do the same. This initiative is designed to encourage friends have fun & spread awareness about the issue through social media

To give this more encouragement, Kaya is offering a 15% discount on all its packages in the month of October, for whoever supports the cause and walks in with only 3 fingers painted in pink.

To join the initiative, clients are encouraged to take pictures of themselves showing their 3 painted fingers & upload to Social Media (Facebook & Instagram) with the #PowerOfThree.

Kaya Skin Clinic dominantly emphasizes its responsibility year on year to spread awareness and drive self-examination, as the vast majority of its clients in the region are women and this is just a small way of saying we dont care only about your skin, but beyond.

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