Frost & Sullivan Middle East Best Practices Awards title won by Enova for 2019 UAE Facility Management Services Customer Value Leadership Award

Frost & Sullivan Middle East Best Practices Awards title won by Enova for 2019 UAE Facility Management Services Customer Value Leadership Award

Enova won the '2019 UAE Facility Management Services Customer Value Leadership Award' at the 2019 Frost and Sullivan Middle East Best Practices Awards Banquet held on eleventh December at Atlantis, The Palm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Enova is an organization that has organized a make development way through consistent improvement and is one of only a handful not many driving organizations in the UAE FM market. It offers an extensive scope of digitally empowered services to boost client experience. By routinely showing reserve funds and ensuring results on authoritative, technical and financial KPIs, Enova apparently is one of the most believed FM marks regionally.

To become familiar with the honor criteria and Enova's leadership, read the full report:

Congratulating Enova on the honor, Abhay Bhargava, Director, Industrial Practice, Frost and Sullivan, stated, "Enova has set an extraordinary point of reference of how organizations in the area can advance for development, to boost the client experience and value. Enova has effectively consolidated key FM industry empowering influences into its plan of action, remembering a concentration for work environment the executives, brilliant advancements, and vitality the executives (EM) services. This creative methodology has encouraged them to accomplish development inside the rising ESCO, healthcare, and transportation areas, prompting consistent development and constant increment in income. Enova separates themselves by utilizing innovation usage through their computerized suite, including the hyper vision stage 'Hubgrade', improved investigation exhibited through (super) dashboards, and an application that gives ongoing information on vitality utilization and offices. Enova has been effectively enabling clients to streamline their offices and profit a superior encounter, lessening their carbon impression and improving the life of their benefits."

Remarking on the honor, Renaud Capris, CEO, Enova, stated, "It is an amazing privilege to get this honor from Frost and Sullivan and be perceived for our proceeded with endeavors to extend our abilities, just as digitalizing our servicess to serve our clients. Utilizing the most recent developments in shrewd innovation and utilizing upgraded investigation, we help our customers to not just advance the vitality use of their offices, spare expenses, and expand the life of their benefits, yet additionally make a solid and safe living condition for all to appreciate. Since our beginning, we have centered our undertakings towards protecting the utilization of ecological assets inside the fabricated condition. As a major aspect of our commitments towards a manageable future, we have prepared our profoundly skilled workforce with the most recent advancements and best worldwide practices, while at the same time concocting genuinely novel vitality arrangements that can be applied to a wide scope of facilities."

The Frost and Sullivan Awards are exhibited to organizations that show best practices across industries. The Awards are acknowledgment of their innovation, responsibility, technological innovation, client assistance, and successful business techniques required to progress in the worldwide commercial center. Frost and Sullivan's expectation is to help drive innovation, excellence, and a positive change in the worldwide economy by perceiving top tier products, organizations, and people.

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