
Emirates Health Services Advances Bureaucracy Elimination with Enhanced Telemedicine Services

Emirates Health Services (EHS) is making significant strides in its commitment to the UAE's Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme by enhancing its specialized telemedicine services. These improvements now benefit over 2,200 patients annually, including those with chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. By streamlining procedures and accelerating service delivery, EHS has successfully reduced the need for more than 4,400 annual visits to service centers and saved over 44,000 minutes annually. The average service delivery time has also been cut from 30 minutes to just 20 minutes.

H.E. Dr. Abdulaziz Al Zarooni, Acting Executive Director of the Financial and Support Services Sector at EHS, emphasized that these achievements reflect EHS’s dedication to eliminating bureaucracy and enhancing the quality of health services in line with the national goals of the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme. He highlighted that the continuous development of telemedicine services plays a vital role in improving the quality of healthcare, reducing administrative routines, and enabling easier access to medical care, which in turn positively impacts productivity and mental well-being.

The UAE's Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme, launched as part of a broader government initiative, aims to simplify and reduce government procedures, eliminating unnecessary requirements to enhance efficiency, quality, and flexibility in governance. The program targets the elimination of at least 2,000 government procedures and a 50% reduction in procedure timeframes by the end of 2024.


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