Dubai Customs readytowelcomeDubais Eid Al Adhavisitors and the return of pilgrims

Dubai Customs readytowelcomeDubais Eid Al Adhavisitors and the return of pilgrims

Dubai Customs has set everything up and ready for receiving visitors to the UAE, arriving through Dubai International Airport to celebrate Eid Al Adha holidays and the return of UAE nationals and residents who performed Hajj.

DC undertook a series of measures to facilitate the entry of travellers to Dubai International's three terminals and Al Maktoum Airport terminal, including maintaining collaboration with operating airlines to handle any obstacles or potential increase in passenger numbers and scheduling or reducing annual leaves of airport customs inspectors as needed.In addition, Customs preparations included conducting inspector training sessions last September to boost their inspection and greet-and-meet skills as well as the instalment of advanced baggage/handbag screening devices.

Ahmad Abdullah Bin Lahej, Director of Passenger Operations Department at Dubai Customs, said that the extension of Eid festivity duration for Eid in Dubai Eid Al Adha celebrations which began on September 25 and will run through to October 11, calls for DCs full readiness and collaboration with other concerned entities in Dubai. Customs inspectors are instructedto provide assistance and help to passengers, particularly elderly people, children and the special needspersons. On the other hand, Dubai Customs intensified the training aspect for customs staff operating at the airport terminals either in respect to security, social or linguistic skills in order to raise their competency and capability.

Bin Lahej stressed that DCs measures during Eid Al Adha and the return of pilgrims are aimed at saving travellers time and facilitating their entry to the country, while granting them a friendly welcome to their home.

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