Champion Nurse Awards Acknowledges the Contribution of Nurses in the Healthcare Industry

Champion Nurse Awards Acknowledges the Contribution of Nurses in the Healthcare Industry

The Champion Nurse Awards launch was held in Dubai supported by The Heath Bank. This launch to what will be an annual event celebrated the nurses worthwhile contribution, achievements and applauded their dedication to the profession and humanity.
Esteemed speakers from the health care sector exchanged views at the event about the necessity of establishing a human connection in the healthcare sector, and the need to address the international shortage of nurses.

During his welcome speech, Raza Jafar founder of the Global Sustainability Network, an organization committed to accomplishing UN SDG Goal 8, particularly highlights SDG Goals 8.5 and 8.6, touching on to job creation and youth unemployment troubles said: According to the WHO, the world requires 9 million additional nurses by 2030 and in order to acquire that, we need to recognize and make this profession rewarding for youth to select this noble profession, to serve humanity.

Salman Arif, CEO, The Health Bank said, as in any sector, nowadays machine learning technology is taking over the typical health care sector. But what technology cannot substitute is the care and empathy of the traditional nurse. The aim of the Champion Nurse Awards is to recognize and reward the nursing community by nominating those who are the bastion in their respective fields

The keynote speaker for the evening was Dr. Junaid Bajwa, Global Lead for Strategic Alliances and Solutions for the Global Digital Centre of Excellence at MSD, visiting scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health, & Board Member of University College Hospital London.

Dr. Bajwa emphasized the need for adapting a more holistic approach to medical care. He believes that with the advancement of technology, doctors now have access to data concerning their patients therefore assisting them personalize their experience with them. The aim must be to capture and analyze the data about the patients available throughout various that can help in customizing treatments and assist in developing new treatment options, he said.

Dr. Bajwas speech was followed by a panel discussion on Nursing, a Nobel Profession, and highlighted the importance of nurses in the system, the importance of focusing on their professional improvement and the want for offering them with the possibility to take up more challenging roles throughout the healthcare system.

The panel discussion included Christian Schuhmacher, CEO of Kings College Hospital London in the UAE, Specialist Cardiologist Dr. Layla Al Marzooqi and Gulnaz Tariq, Head of Wound Care Unit in Sheikh Khalifa Medical City in Abu Dhabi.

Dr. Marzooqi reiterated that nurses are the backbone of the system, spending maximum amount of time with their patients and making sure that the highest quality of care is delivered. She highlighted the significance of empowering nurses, involving them in more than a few decision-making processes that can assist them enlarge their knowledge, help in their growth and expert development.

Schuhmacher emphasized combating the scarcity of nurses by employing them to take up challenging roles and maximizing the utility of their skills. He stated that presently 85% of the nursing experts have been brought in from abroad and the need of the hour is to make them feel more inclusive of the system, so that more UAE Nationals also think about venturing into the profession.

Gulnaz Tariq, speaking on behalf of the nursing community stated It is extraordinarily essential to recognize the contribution of the nursing community, and the first step in that direction has been taken via organizing the Champion Nurses Awards. She added, With hospitals and other entities supporting nurses in their educational and professional development, it can inspire individuals to pursue nursing as a profession.

In attendance as guest of honor, was Dr. Zulekha Daud, a well-known physician-turned-entrepreneur based in UAE, and Founder and Chairperson of Zulekha Healthcare Group. For five decades, Dr. Zulekha has provided valuable contributions to the healthcare sector in the UAE to boost welfare levels for UAE citizens and residents.

At the end of the ceremony a number of nurses have been awarded for their invaluable contribution to the community and their dedication to the profession and humanity. Awards were to the winners by Dr. Zulekha, Dr. Layla Marzooqi, Christian Schumacher, Gulnaz Tariq and Salman Arif (CEO of The Health Bank).

The Champion Nurse Awards have been presented to Kavitha Shijo (Labour and Delivery Room Head Nurse at Zulekha Hospital, Dubai), Reny Jacob (Oncology Unit Head Nurse at Zulekha Hospital, Dubai), Jessy Anna Philip (Cath Lab In-charge at Dubai Hospital) and Dr. Safa Al Mustafa (Chief Nursing Officer at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City and Cassie Purvey, (Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist at Kings College Hospital London).

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