
How To Elevate Your Next Event With Music and Sound

If you have attended the New Year Eve fireworks held annually at Burj Khalifa, you’ll know just how incredible they are. Of course, the dazzling explosion of colour lighting up the sky is the main draw, but there’s so much more to the event than this. It’s an incredibly atmospheric and emotional experience.

Have you considered what elevates an event like this? Where does all that buzz and anticipation come from? It’s the use of music and sound. Music and sound can bring excitement and energy that’ll get your pulse racing. 

The superpowers of music and sound
It has been proven scientifically that the right music can affect you physiologically. Upbeat music can cause the brain to release chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, often known as the happy hormones. In contrast, music can calm and soothe restless minds. 

Music can conjure up moods and feelings in an instant. It has incredibly transformative powers over the brain. It can even aid focus and concentration or startle listeners into taking notice.  That’s why, if you want to host a truly monumental event, music and sound need to be planned  carefully.  

You need to put just as much effort into music and sound as you might for decor, lighting and any other element of your event. Above all else, you should aim for your event to be a multi-sensory experience. 

How to effectively incorporate sound and music into your event

Here are some of the key ways sound and music can elevate your event.

1.    Make sure to cover the practicalities
First, consider the practical ways you require the use of sound during your event. Do you need to provide key information through sound? To be inclusive, it is important to remember that not everyone can access information visually. Perhaps you have to make announcements during your event for safety purposes. Or you need to draw people’s attention to various elements of the program at different times.

You can also add interest and value to the event through live commentary or description, if relevant. If your event is meant to be educational or informative, commentary or description may be especially important.  

Finally, in multicultural Dubai, you can make your event more accessible and welcoming by catering to a variety of languages. You should consider the use of artists who can provide a voice over recording to help you get key messages across. In Dubai, there are talented voice over artists who can speak a multitude of languages. 

2.    Use sound to create an atmosphere.
As already discussed, sound is invaluable to creating mood. It can really set the scene for your live event. 

What kind of mood do you want to create? How do you want your guests to feel? Whatever you want to achieve, it is important to get expert help at this point. Finding exactly the right type of music can involve a lot of time and experimentation. Rather than undertaking this yourself, speak to people who specialise in sound design for events. 

Think of the sound for your event as a ‘soundscape’. Remember that there will be ambient noise (such as people talking and moving around) alongside the music. You shouldn’t aim to compete with this or drown it out, but incorporate and complement it. 

With expert help from a sound design agency, you might opt for live or recorded music. They will have access to an incredible music library with multiple styles and forms. A sound design agency can even help you with original music composition, if desired. This can be a talking point for guests and contribute to a truly unique experience.

Stay on brand
You’ve worked hard on a brand strategy and voice so you know your event will need to stay on brand to get your key concepts across. Sound will be a crucial part of this. 

If you don’t already have a sonic branding element to your overall branding strategy, then now is the time to start. Sonic branding is the term for sound chosen or designed specifically for your brand to help you communicate with and relate to your customers or target audience. 

If you already use branded sounds, then make sure you incorporate those. Either way, you need to ensure the mood, feel and tempo of your music and sound choices are a good fit for your brand. 

Get the sound balance right
When planning for your event, it is crucial to get the right balance between using sound for functional and, practical purposes; for entertainment and atmosphere; and for promoting your brand. Choosing the right music or sound can truly enhance your event.

A word of warning, however. Sound can be irritating, especially when it is repetitive, overly distracting, or unpleasant. If you are planning to use sound extensively for your next event, it’s important to get it right. So, why not let a music and sound designer do the intricate work for you?

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