What Makes A Beautiful Date In The Eyes Of The Liwa Dates Festival Judges

What Makes A Beautiful Date In The Eyes Of The Liwa Dates Festival Judges

Hundreds of date palm farmers from Al Gharbia, Al Ain, Swaihan, Abu Dhabi and further across the UAE arrive everyday at the Liwa Dates Festival, bringing freshly picked ratab - half ripe dates - from their orchards, hoping to convince the industry's experts that theirs are the tastiest, healthiest, best looking and best produced dates.

For the 11th consecutive year, the annual festival that celebrates the ratab harvest, organised every July by the Cultural Programmes and Heritage Festivals Committee - Abu Dhabi is organising daily, throughout its week long programme, dates and locally grown fruit competitions, the expert judges looking not just for best in taste product, but also for the best grown fruit.

UAE May have hundreds of date varieties, and in the Liwa Dates a Festival, taking place this 22nd to 30th July in Liwa, in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi Emirate, five of the most popular varieties are competing in the ratab beauty contest. These include kunaizi, khallas, dabbas, bou maan, farth, along with nukhba, which is a competition for best mixed varieties of dates.

"During daytime, we receive the dates directly from farmers. By evening time we make a preselection, then, early next morning we go to insect the farms of the finalists and in the evening we announce and award the winners," said Dr Samir al Shakir, international consultant of palm dates technology, member of the judging committee at Liwa Dates Festival.
Each date variety makes for a different competition category and the top 15 places in every category are awarded cash prizes from AED 125,000 to AED 5,000, except for nukhba competition, which receive from AED 200,000 for the first place to AED 6,000 for the 15th position.

To qualify for any of the ratab competitions, farmers must submit dates from their own UAE based farm, harvested this summer. Each participant is allowed to enter maximum two ratab varieties competitions.
"Each participant must enter between 10 and 15 kilograms of dates into the competition," pointed out Dr. Shakir.
These are usually presented into two traditional Emirati hand made baskets. All entries are lined up on long tables in a private room, where they are closely inspected by the judges. The short listed finalists' baskets are then moved onto a public display area, where all visitors may marvel at them and sometimes even taste them.

For the nukhba competition, participants must bring at least 15 varieties of dates, but no more then 20. Each variety must contain at least three kilograms of dates. For all ratab contests, the dates must be neither fully ripe, nor unripe, just half ripe.
"For every competition we receive dates from around 300 farmers and we select only around 20 finalists. Just by looking at them, we can pick up the best baskets. It is the size and the general condition of the dates that make them stand out to begin with," said Dr. Shakir.
"We then start a thorough investigation, looking at the dates' weight, doing size measurements and checking its health. Based on all of this, we give a grade for each entry."
The grade represents only 50% of the final score, though, the other 50% coming from the farm' s condition.

"The next morning we go to inspect the farm, making sure, first of all, that the dates we receive actually come from the farm owner. Just by looking at the palm tree, we know if they were cut from there or not. We also take into consideration the general keep of the farm, if materials are recycled, if the palm trees are pruned, if the irrigation is eco-friendly and the use of fertilisers - we prefer and encourage farmers to use bio-organic ones," explained Dr. Shakir.

For fair judging, the inspectors do not know which dates belong to which farm, and it is not uncommon that the best looking ratab from the finalists drop to bottom positions because the farm was found in a poor state.
Apart from ratab, Liwa Dates Festival also has competitions for locally produced mangoes, lemons and mix fruit baskets.

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