SCTDA organises preparatory training course for front line staff, HR managers and managers of Sharjahs hotels

SCTDA organises preparatory training course for front line staff, HR managers and managers of Sharjahs hotels

Under the second phase of its Marhabtain initiative, Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA) organised a preparatory training course aimed at developing the capabilities of front line staff, human resource managers and training managers in the hospitality sector. The two-day course took place at Marbella Resort on June 28 and 29, 2015, followed by refinement training on June 30 with hotel facilities managers to discuss ways to enhance the training programme.

The Marhabtain initiative includes a set of internationally accredited training programmes designed to improve the human capabilities in the tourism sector with the objective of achieving the Sharjah Tourism Vision 2021 which aims to welcome over 10 million visitors by 2021.
SCTDA, in cooperation with its partners, is keen to provide adequate training to employees in the tourism sector to enable them to provide outstanding tourism services in accordance with highest international standards to achieve the Sharjah Tourism Vision 2021, HE Khalid Jasim Al Midfa, General Director of SCTDA said.

HE Al Midfa pointed out that this training course for front-line staff, human resource managers and training managers in the hospitality sector in the emirate will contribute to raising the efficiency of tourist services provided to guests and visitors. Participants were offered trained on several topics such as etiquette, anger management and communication skills. The training also equipped participants with knowledge about Sharjahs main tourism landmarks.
The Sharjah Tourism Vision 2021 aims to attract 10 million tourists by 2012 by focusing on four main pillars promoting Sharjah as an Ideal Family Tourism Destination, following an Innovative Tourism Approach, developing World Class Tourism Facilities and Capabilities, and strengthening Sharjahs position as an International Cultural Hub. The Vision will unite the efforts of our partners in the government and private sector in developing innovative packages and programmes to improve the tourism infrastructure and create new tourism projects in the emirate, Al Midfa added.

Hotel managers who attended the refinement training discussed ways to develop the training course to meet the requirements of the hotel sector and the services required by emirates hotels guests. Expressing their appreciation for the initiative, the managers said such training courses and programmes will contribute to improving the tourism products and ensure the availability of best services for visitors to the emirate.
Earlier under the Marhabtain initiative, training programmes were launched to train front office staff and taxi drivers in Sharjah to provide best tourism services and enhance their basic skills to promote Sharjahs tourism landmarks.

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