The Sale of ISIA S.p.A to Industrie De Nora has been disclosed by Grundfos and De Nora

The Sale of ISIA S.p.A to Industrie De Nora has been disclosed by Grundfos and De Nora

Grundfos and De Nora discloses that the parties have signed an agreement for De Nora to pick up 100% of the shares of ISIA S.p.A., which includes the intellectual property on chlorine dioxide generator technology. As part of the agreement, De Nora will also take over the competencies of ISIAs highly experienced team of specialists. The transaction is expected to close within a short time. The procurement represents a key opportunity for De Nora to leverage ISIA expertise to strengthen a technology portfolio that includes gas feed, instrumentation, chlorine and on-site sodium hypochlorite generation, ozone and chlorine dioxide. The patented submerged reactor design and process control expertise from ISIA will complement the De Noras Capital Controls chlorine dioxide generation product line.

Dr Mirka Wilderer, CEO, De Nora Water Technologies said This acquisition is an exciting first step in our journey together with ISIA,. A message echoed by Paolo Dellach, CEO, De Nora Group. The innovative nature of Capital Controls and ISIA solutions will allow us to offer customers the best available technology for specific water treatment applications across the range of available chlorine dioxide generation designs and treatment solutions as a whole. We are uniting two proven companies with strong legacies. Our combined synergies exemplify the De Nora mission to be a partner of choice, benefiting customers and channel partners, employees, and the broader market.

For years, the Capital Controls name has been synonymous with water treatment. We have sold more than 10,000 installations globally across a range of applications over a 60-year period - this includes more than 1,000 chlorine dioxide generator installations in the field.

We are excited to be a part of the De Nora family, where chlorine dioxide is an important part of their growth strategy. This gives our team the opportunity to widen the use of the technology beyond the Middle East, our main focus area. commented Francesco Maia, Managing Director and founder of ISIA.

ISIA gathers skilled experience in industrial plant process control and automation and a powerful chlorine dioxide technology for water treatment. ISIA has perfected a rich experience in design, realization, start-up and field assistance of industrial plants process control and automation since the 2000. ISIA will be progressively integrated into the De Nora Water Technologies platform and together they will expand chlorine dioxide market opportunities for drinking water, desalination, power and industrial cooling water applications. Grundfos Group Vice President, Tommy Due Hy said We have great respect for the ISIA team, who are doing an excellent job within their market,

ISIA has a strong portfolio of high-quality chlorine dioxide solutions, and we believe that ISIA will be able to better fulfil its potential under a different ownership, and we are pleased to have identified in De Nora a buyer that will be able to nurture, strengthen and develop ISIA. We believe that De Nora will serve as an excellent new home for ISIA and its employees." he added.

Until and after transaction closing, ISIA will continue to go with the normal operations towards customers and suppliers. In case of questions or concerns, please reach out directly to your normal business contacts.

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