An initiative made by CDA for enhancing the awareness on data exchange and related rules & laws amongst its employees

An initiative made by CDA for enhancing the awareness on data exchange and related rules & laws amongst its employees

The Community Development Authority in Dubai (CDA), in a joint effort with Smart Dubai, composed a workshop for its employees with an objective to raise their awareness on the Dubai Data initiative and its objectives. The session was additionally planned for upgrading the employees data skills, thereby enabling them to empowering the best use of it to support Dubais progress into the smartest and happiest city in the world.

The workshop looked into the intention of the initiative, which depends on Dubai's information management that pursues an unmistakable and explicit approach, in the presence of HE Ahmad Julfar, Director General of Community Development Authority. Dubai's information management practices adhere to international best practices to attain congruity and integration among the services given by the federal and local government agencies, in addition to guaranteeing ideal usage of information in improving the effectiveness of these services. CDA is one of the 35 entities taking part in the data first challenge.

During the workshop, the standards of Dubai Data initiative were disclosed to the participants. These principles depend on data spreading and sharing, information use and reuse, protection, reliability and intellectual property, which are principally directed by Law No. 26 of 2015, managing information dissemination and exchange in the Emirate of Dubai.

HE Ahmad Julfar stated: The Community Development Authority is intensely concerned with the Dubai Data initiative. Notwithstanding the significance of information as a key component in social advancement, coordination and collaboration with government agencies, precise and modern databases structure a solid foundation for the enhancement of social services framework and quality services focused at all fragments of the society.

Dr. Aisha Bint Buti Bin Bisher, Director General of the Smart Dubai Office, stated: As requirements of the network continuing the developing process, information has enormous potential in helping decision-makers in the basic decision-making processes and serves as a key enabler in the achievement of Smart Dubai goals and strategies that aim to make Dubai the happiest and smartest city on earth. It can altogether upgrade the effectiveness of government services system while also opening up main investment opportunities.

She included: To boost the advantages of this promising area, we are progressing in the direction of reinforcing collaboration between different elements in the Emirate of Dubai, so as to manage the information accumulation and partaking as per the Dubai Data Law. Today's workshop, as a team with CDA, will give their employees a more profound comprehension of these objectives; the strategy of the challenge; and the worldwide prescribed practices pursued by all government agencies engaged in the challenge.

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