Gulf Banks Al Danah Account Sets A Guinness World Records

Gulf Banks Al Danah Account Sets A Guinness World Records

Kuwait 8 January 2017: Gulf Bank is pleased to have successfully completed the biggest annual draw event in Kuwait, on Thursday, 5 January at The Avenues Mall. In exciting news, this year Gulf Bank was honored to receive a well respected and esteemed international recognition from Guinness World RecordsTM live during its draw event, in addition to naming Kuwaits new Al Danah millionaire, Salary and Red cash and car winners, and winners of Catch the Cash money box competition.

The event was hosted by the notable radio host and media personality Mr. Khaled Al Ansari and Gulf Bank team member Mr. Mohammad Al Sarraf. The special guest for the evening was the popular Kuwaiti actor/comedian Weld Al Deera - Mr. Khaled Al Agrooga. With his signature humor and effusive persona, Weld Al Deera had the audience laughing and enjoying the event. As with all Gulf Bank draws, this entire event was conducted in the presence of a representative from the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Abdulaziz Ashkanani.

Guinness World RecordsTM Awards Gulf Bank with a Record Achievement for The Largest Prize Linked to a Bank Account

To start the draw event, Gulf Banks Al Danah account prize of KD One Million was named the Largest Prized Linked to a Bank Account in the World. The award was presented by Guinness World RecordsTM representatives; Ms. Hoda Khachab, Official Adjudicator, and Mr. Talal Omar, Country Manager Middle East and North Africa. Gulf Bank solidly beat the previously established world record of 2.1 Million US Dollars linked to a bank account.
The Guinness World RecordsTM is the ultimate authority in record-breaking achievements. It was established in the early 1950s and the first edition went on to become a bestseller in the United Kingdom. Today, more than 60 years later, the Guinness Book of World RecordsTM is one of the most recognized and trusted brands in the world.

Guinness World RecordsTM has an expertly trained Records Management Team who undertake substantial research and verification checks to confirm whether a new record title has been achieved. Guinness World RecordsTM maintains the highest standards and strict policies governing what makes a world record. All Guinness World RecordsTM must fulfill some key criteria such as: measurability; breakability; standardization; verifiability; uniqueness; and universality.

Applicants must first submit a standard application with the required evidence to verify the achievement in question. In October 2016, a claim was submitted to Guinness World RecordsTM about Gulf Banks Al Danah account KD One Million prize. The dedicated Records Management Team at Guinness World RecordsTM Headquarters reviewed the application, carefully assessing it to confirm whether or not the proposal could be accepted. Then, the Guinness World RecordsTM team conducted their research based on the above listed qualifications and verified that indeed Gulf Banks Al Danah KD One Million KD prize is the largest prize linked to a bank account in the world.
Receiving the Guinness World RecordsTM award on behalf of the Bank was Mrs. Salma Al Hajjaj, General Manager of Human Resources. Mrs. Al Hajjaj said, Gulf Bank is exceptionally proud to have received this distinction from Guinness World RecordsTM. Our Al Danah account prize of KD One Million has long been known to be the largest annual prize in Kuwait, but to now know that we are the largest prize linked to a bank account in the world is truly terrific news. Or, as the Guinness officials said, Gulf Bank is now officially amazing.

Mrs. Al Hajjaj continued, On behalf of the Bank, I would like to thank the Guinness World RecordsTM for being here to present this award to us. I would also like to thank the Gulf Bank team for their dedication to the Bank and their tireless efforts to ensure we maintain the highest standards of service and innovation at the Bank; this award would not be possible were it not for their ongoing commitment. This award is a great honor for Gulf Bank and for our beloved country Kuwait.

The Highly Anticipated Draw Event Begins with Catch the Cash competition
For the first time in Kuwait, Gulf Bank introduced the Catch the Cash competition during Al Danah Millionaire Draw adding even more excitement to the event. The Bank offered attendees the chance to win up to KD 3,000 in this unique challenge. Attendees signed up to participate in the competition prior to the start of the draw event. Names were then selected at random by the event hosts and the competitors entered the box and tried to catch as many flying notes as possible in 10 seconds. These notes were then counted on stage and exchanged on the spot for cash.

Salary, red Accounts and Cadillac Escalade Winners
Lucky Gulf Banks Salary and red account holders also won cash prizes of KD 1,000 each.
Ms. Halima Waleed Saleh Baroon, holder of a salary account won KD 1,000 and Ms. Huda Hussein Mohammad Mohammad, holder of red account won a prize of KD 1,000 as well.

Additionally, Mr. Fahed Mohammad Al Azmi was lucky enough to be selected as the winner of the brand new Cadillac Escalade. He will soon visit the Bank in person to receive the key to his brand new car.

The KD One Million Al Danah Prize Winner
Gulf Bank representatives Mr. Meshari Shehab, Assistant General Manager, and Mr. Tareq Al-Saleh, Assistant General Manager, then took to the stage with the hosts to start the Al Danah Millionaire prize portion of the event. Kuwaits highly anticipated prize of KD One Million, now recognized as the largest prize linked to a bank account in the world, was randomly selected, under the oversight of the Ministry of Commerce representative and the representative from Guinness World RecordsTM, to be Mr. Sayed Mustafa Sayed Ali Al Mousawi. Congratulations to Kuwaits newest Al Danah millionaire!

Activities and fun took center stage before the event
Gulf Banks Al Danah Millionaire Draw event this year was dynamic and full of surprises. Attendants and participants enjoyed a full show that started at 5:00pm with kids activities that ranged from face painting to henna, balloons and mascots.

Attendees were also treated to a special musical performance by The Concert. They also enjoyed the photo booth attraction and the social media competition that went along with the photo booth.
Will you be the 2018 Millionaire?

In order to participate in Al Danah Millionaire Draw 2018, customers must have an Al Danah account containing a minimum of KD 200. Chances of winning can be increased by adding to the amount deposited in Al Danah account. This will also maximize your chances of winning up to KD 500,000 quarterly, and one of the two KD 1,000 cash prizes which are drawn each working day.

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