
GDA Launches Innovative Waste Heat Repurposing Project in Sweden

GDA, a leading industrial-scale bitcoin mining company, has announced the launch of a groundbreaking project that repurposes waste heat from its renewable energy-powered data center in Norsjö, Sweden, to heat a large garage space. This initiative not only addresses the challenges of maintaining open roads in sub-zero temperatures but also sets a precedent for global sustainability practices in the bitcoin mining industry.

The project, led by GDA’s local subsidiary, GDA Sweden AB, uses heat generated by a data center to keep snow-cleaning trucks operational during harsh winter conditions, where temperatures can drop as low as -25°C. This innovative approach demonstrates how excess heat from bitcoin mining can be harnessed to benefit local communities.

Executive President of GDA, Abdumalik Mirakhmredov, highlighted the significance of this venture, stating, "Our initiative to repurpose computation excess heat for practical uses, such as heating a garage, exemplifies how our industry can positively contribute to local communities. We are proud to lead these efforts in sustainability, demonstrating that the byproducts of bitcoin mining can have valuable applications."

The project has received positive feedback from local authorities and business leaders. Beatrice Bergqvist, Head of Business and Development at Norsjö Municipality, praised the collaboration, saying, "GDA's creative approach to addressing local needs shows the valuable intersection between technological advancements and community benefits. We are pleased with the success of this collaboration and look forward to more initiatives like this."

Jörgen Lindström, part owner of Muttern Fastigheter, expressed enthusiasm about the project, stating, "When we first learned about this idea, we were amazed by the potential this industry has to offer local communities worldwide. I truly believe this could be the future of heating."

GDA's facility in Norsjö is powered entirely by renewable energy from the nearby 122 MW Vargfors Hydroelectric Power Station. The center operates with a power capacity exceeding 500KW, running 150 machines that generate a hashrate of 14 PH/s, producing 90,000 cubic meters of hot air per hour at 52°C across a 1,200-square-meter garage area.

This project is part of GDA's broader commitment to sustainability and innovation. The company also operates other data centers in Sweden, including facilities in Porjus and Örträsk, which use carbon-free electricity sourced from hydroelectric power stations.

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