Expo 2020 Dubai - Sustainability
Dubai Expo

Expo 2020 Dubai - Sustainability

Pursuing our hopes for progress without compromising the needs of future generations drives the Expo 2020 Dubai subtheme of Sustainability and has informed the master plan of the Expo site. Energy and water, our two most precious sources of life and prosperity, are highly interdependent. Large amounts of water are necessary to produce energy, and large amounts of energy are necessary to produce clean water. This inter-relationship has become ever more important as the worlds demand for energy and water surges and as our livelihoods depend increasingly upon them.

A key aim of the event is to produce 50% of the Expos operational energy requirements from renewable sources on site as the Expo seeks to demonstrate its commitment to finding innovative solutions for environmental management and energy generation to all visitors.

Expo 2020 Dubai will showcase the first large-scale application of Building-Integrated Photo Voltaic and Solar technology, setting a new benchmark for future mega-events. Additional sustainability criteria have been set to monitor carbon footprint, achieve neutral water balance and manage material recycling and reuse. For example, 30% of the building materials used for the Expo are to be made from recycled aggregate content.

Local materials and plant species will also form an integral part of the design so to reduce the transportation footprint of the overall construction.

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