Emicool is a sustained business champion, becoming GCC's first ISO 26000 district cooler

Emicool is a sustained business champion, becoming GCC's first ISO 26000 district cooler

The fourth ISO certificationISO 26000:2010is awarded to Emirates District Cooling LLC [Emicool]the leading regional district cooling supplier and wholly owned Dubai Investments PJSC subsidiary.

With ISO 26000:2010, Emicool has become the first GCC-wide district cooling firm to set a high standard of corporate governance, workforce and human rights, contribute to saving and improving climate change, and introduce code of ethics, as well as state-of - the-art technologies for transparency.

Commenting on attaining the certification, Dr. Adib Moubadder, CEO of Emicool, said, " The ISO 26000:2010 serve as a guideline for integrating our corporate social responsibility into our organizations strategy, systems, practices, and processes. To attain these objectives, we worked with a certified body to guarantee that we are implementing the certification with transparency. We are trying to continue contributing to worldwide sustainable growth by promoting the initiation of socially responsible initiatives towards improving impacts on workers, natural environments, and communities alike.

Emicool has transformed its entire passenger car float into a complete electric fleet comprised of the Renault Zoe, as part of the certification. Emicool's move has been taken to replace the entire fleet with electric models that aim to reduce CO2 emissions by around 400 tonnes per year. The addition of charging points for electric vehicles (EV) also helped to optimize the utilization of the electric fleet.

In addition to the sustainability initiative, Emicool has been component of certification evaluation criteria, concentrating on science behind feasible energy solutions. Emicool with University of Balam and (UOBD) provides learners with instructional grants to facilitate cooperation and involvement in mutually beneficial possibilities.

The certification lists of Emicool aim to maintain coherence and quality while redefining sustainability as a significant element of company management. Emicool is certified as the first District Cooling Company in the UAE with an Energy Management System Certification under ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management System, ISO 4001:2015 for the Environmental System, and ISO 50001:2011.

Marking another first, Emicool was also conferred with the Global Conformity [GC-Mark] as a certified green company and the first district cooling company across the Middle East and North Africa. Finally, with the 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Security Management System, Emicool is also OSHAS certified.

At present, Emicool offers the most effective and quality of infrastructure to more than 22,000 clients in the UAE. By 2020, the firm plans to raise its plant ability to 500.000 tons of cooling, widespread building leading to a slow demand for UAE and regional local cooling services.

Emicool has placed forward strategic plans to transform many Dubai buildings, which will boost the market penetration of the neighborhood cooling idea, from conventional air conditioning to district cooling concept.

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