Dubai Investments Employees paint Ghaf leaf wall mural marking the Year of Tolerance

Dubai Investments Employees paint Ghaf leaf wall mural marking the Year of Tolerance

Celebrating the "Year of Tolerance", Dubai Investments reverberated its "Unity in Diversity", uniting very nearly 50 nationalities from all the differing bunch organizations, to paint a resistance propelled Ghaf tree leaf mural, mirroring the genuine pith of tolerance.

The representatives met up in energetic and culturally rich framework, mixed with legacy, to motivate and enlighten on the significance of Unity in Diversity. The organization worried on the significance of tolerance as a universal value, symbolizing UAE's authentic national tree the Ghaf Tree - as a wellspring of life and a symbol of stability.
Under the topic of "unity in Diversity", the workers, wearing white T-shirts representing the colour of peace and harmony, were available with their separate nations flags.

Giving another dimension to the mural wall, symbolized by the amalgamation of colours in holding together the huge numbers of viewpoints, ways of life and traditions, reaffirmed the significance of tolerance.

The action related with the International Day for Tolerance, celebrated universally on sixteenth November. To leave an enduring impression and in an offer new ones, the colourful hand painted mural wall will keep on embellishing the Dubai Investments headquarters facility at Dubai Investment Park, echoing the message of Unity in Diversity.

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