More than half of UAE residents feel the Expo will boost the countrys economy A large majority is likely to attend it and most people are excited to experience innovation at the mega event
Dubai Expo

More than half of UAE residents feel the Expo will boost the countrys economy A large majority is likely to attend it and most people are excited to experience innovation at the mega event

As Dubai is set to welcome visitors from throughout the globe at the Dubai Expo 2020 later this year, YouGovs new survey exhibits that excitement stages within the country are high with a massive majority of UAE residents (67%) looking forward to attend the exposition.

Among those who are probably to visit the expo, people aged 30+ are more likely to be present than younger adults in the country. Similarly, working experts are more likely than non-working residents (72% vs 51%) to visit the expo. Even married residents, particularly ones with children, are more likely than the single people to attend the event.

Among those who are visiting the event, more than half (52%) are planning to attend the expo at its launch while one in seven (15%) are probably to be present for the closing ceremony. Two in five (40%) will attend particular events. One in ten (10%) will join the celebration only after going through attendee reviews and a similar proportion are not sure of their attendance at this moment.

In the past, World Expos have given us some iconic structures and innovations such as the Eiffel Tower, the Seattle Space Needle, the television and even Heinz Tomato Ketchup. Therefore, it is not shocking to see that most UAE residents (52%) are keen to experience innovation at the expo. Following that, many are excited to witness the spectacle of culture and education (38% each) at the pavilions. A more number of men than women are interested in exploring innovation at the expo (55% vs 45%) while more women than men are fascinated in the cultural component of the expo (46% vs 34%).

A huge number of men are looking ahead to the sporting events at the expo (35%) whilst a huge number of women are eager to experience architecture (41%) and music (33%) at the event.

Most people are probably to visit the expo on brief frequency tickets. Three in ten (29%) prefer the one-day ticket, just over a quarter (26%) are planning to buy the three-day multiple entry ticket and one in five (21%) prefer the monthly pass. Only one in ten (9%) expressed an interest to buy the whole 6-month pass.

When it comes to the benefits of the Dubai Expo, more than half (55%) of UAE residents stated it will improve the UAE and Dubais economy. Almost as many feel it will attract prospective investments (51%) and will expand the influx of tourists in the country (50%).

Many even assume the Dubai Expo will enhance the UAEs reputation as a business hub (49%) and will lead to the creation of more jobs (48%). For all these areas, women seem more confident than men.
Similarly, compared to other age groups, people who are 40+ seem to be assured about the expo and are most probably to say it will deliver all the above cited positive outcomes.

Amongst the nationality groups, Arab expats (47%) are most hopeful that the Dubai Expo will energise the hospitality, real estate and recreation sector.

While the lead up to expo is filled is anticipation and optimism, the survey revealed that there is low awareness around expos legacy. When asked about District 2020, only 28% knew what it was. 36% did not know about it and another 36% had only heard of it but were not absolutely sure what it was.

Amongst those aware of District 2020, seven in ten (69%) recognized it as part of expos legacy which will support the development of Dubai, 62% recognized District 2020 as the future name of the expo site, two-thirds experience it will be a commercial district (66%) and 62% believe it will be a residential district.

Data collected online through YouGov Omnibus among 1004 respondents in the UAE between 29th January and 5th February 2020 using YouGovs panel of over 6 million people worldwide. Data is representative of the adult online population in the country.

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