Jumeirah College students dance their way to success as winners of UK Rock Challenge

Jumeirah College students dance their way to success as winners of UK Rock Challenge

A troupe of 52 students from Dubais GEMS Jumeirah College clinched overall First Place at the 2015 Be Your Best Rock Challenge, held in the UK in February, securing their position in the June finals of the annual performing arts competition.

Their performance, based on the novel The Night Circus by Erin Morganstern, earned a sweep of awards. In addition to First Place, the first-time entry team received the Performers' Choice Award, plus Awards of Excellence for School Community Support, Healthy Lifestyle, Positive Inclusion, Video Performance, Lighting, Entertainment, Visual Enhancement, Costuming Character, Soundtrack, Drama, Performance Skill, and Choreography.

Head of Performing Arts at Jumeirah College, Gemma Thornley, said: Our talented students worked so hard for over six months on this performance and to see their efforts pay off in such a huge way is fantastic. We are so proud of them, especially as the entire production was student led. They did everything from staging, choreography, drama devising. Even costume design and music choice was down to the student leadership team led by two year 11 students, Lily Beynon and Jessica Symons. This kind of dedication and commitment further demonstrates the immense potential of Jumeirah College students to audiences beyond the UAE. We are committed to providing the finest education to our students, with outcomes that earn Jumeirah College graduates recognition from leading further education establishments round the world.

Rock Challenge UK is a series of performing arts events which promotes healthy life choices. Teams from schools and colleges participate in the annual competitions regional divisions, competing for the chance to enter the all-UK National Grand Final. Each team chooses a theme, then creates the choreography for a 5-8 minute dance and drama performance, as well as selecting a soundtrack, designing and making their sets and costumes.

The team from Jumeirah College will participate in the Southern Final rounds this June, which will be held in Portsmouth, UK. Winners from this round have the opportunity to compete in the 2015 Be Your Best Rock Challenge UK National Final in July

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