The Expo 2020 Dubai - Venue in Detail
Dubai Expo

The Expo 2020 Dubai - Venue in Detail

The Expo 2020 Dubai master plan has been conceived as a spatial manifestation of the theme 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future' a theme that seeks to fuel collaboration, spark ideation, and mobilise multilateral action towards a more accessible, equitable and sustainable tomorrow.

To begin, it will be located on a 438-hectare site that includes a dedicated gated 200-hectare Expo area, and a surrounding residential, hospitality and logistics zone.

The essence of the master plan is to facilitate this global dialogue on the ground during the Expo, bringing to life the theme 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future' and seamlessly integrating the three sub-themes Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability. The spatial organisation of the site embodies these concepts, drawing deep inspiration from local urban design, architecture and the natural environment.

At the core of the Expo 2020 Dubai master plan for the gated Expo area, are three distinct zones, each dedicated to one of the sub-themes of Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability, which will converge at the central Al Wasl Plaza, the figurative and literal heart of Expo 2020.

The flagship UAE Pavilion will feature prominently in addition to a Welcome Pavilion and an Innovation Pavilion near the North Entrance surrounding the central plaza; and three Souks - one at the heart of each Theme Zone - which will showcase smaller pavilions surrounded by the larger country pavilions on the outer rings ensuring maximum visibility and footfall for all participants. Additionally, each thematic zone will also have one feature Entertainment Venue and a specialised Theme Pavilion.

This will ensure maximum visibility and footfall for all participants and it is this carefully considered design that allows us to create another Expo first by offering a one country-one pavilion policy.

The design layout, environment architectural and cultural heritage and content of the master plan will provide all visitors with a totally immersive and educational experience that will be an unforgettable journey of exploration and discovery.

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